

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray

A Great And Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray

Gemma is 16 years old. She is sent to an English Boarding School after her mother dies in India. When she gets there, weird things happen. She finds an old diary, then everything starts to change. Strange things happen. There are questions she wants answered. What happened to my mother? Who are Sarah and Mary? What really happened that night?
My Rating: 4 stars
Date finished: February 2nd, 2014
This book was okay in my opinion. I think Gemma made a few bad choices in friends, but everything worked out in the end. Well, almost. I didn’t understand many parts of this book. This is not one of my favorite books, but it was okay.

Beginning of Unquenchable Reads

Hi bookworms! I'll be posting book reviews, book hauls, books I read each month and more.